Frequently asked questions

Where do you deliver? How much does delivery cost?

We deliver within a 15-mile radius of Harleysville/Skippack. That takes us roughly as far north as Coopersburg, as far east as Doylestown/Buckingham, as far south as Conshohocken, and as far west as Pottstown. If you’re looking to have flowers delivered outside of this area, please contact us and we’ll do everything we can to make it work.

From Wednesday to Friday each week, we’re pleased to offer delivery for no additional charge. Deliveries from Saturday-Tuesday will incur an additional $18 fee.

The reason for the additional cost is because we strive to streamline our flower harvesting and sourcing by doing the majority of our picking (and pick-ups) during the middle of the week. We also have additional delivery support during this Wednesday-Friday period, and it’s our pleasure to bring the freshest flowers to your front door for no additional fee.

Where are you located?

We have a studio in Skippack, PA and grow in four different gardens in Montgomery County. Please kindly note that our studio is by appointment only, and is primarily reserved for larger order pick-up, workshops/classes, and client consultations.

Can I pick up the flowers instead of getting them delivered?

Large and special orders may be picked up at the Skippack studio. Smaller orders may also be picked up on Saturdays and on other days in select circumstances; please contact us if we can be of assistance.

Are all of the flowers homegrown?

That’s the goal! From approximately mid-April through October, most of our flowers and foliage for individual orders are homegrown. During busier weeks, we may need to source other flowers from our network of growing partners. For weddings and special events, we’ll frequently incorporate outside flowers depending on the client’s vision.

Do you provide flowers for events or weddings?

Absolutely! It’s an honor to provide flowers for your next event or wedding. Please visit our Weddings and Events page to learn more and share a little bit about your big day with us - we can’t wait to hear about it!

Can you provide DIY buckets of flowers?

Unfortunately we no longer offer DIY buckets of flowers, although we’re happy to recommend a few places that can assist you. Please send us a message with what you have in mind, and we’ll direct you to some wonderful local folks who can help!

Do you offer workshops or classes?

We sure do! Currently, we offer private workshops and classes for small groups hosted within our garden or at a site of your choice. We also occasionally offer classes open to the public on growing your own cut flower garden, flower arranging, and more. Be sure to follow us on Instagram @waverlyflowerco or sign up for our email newsletter (scroll down!) for updates.

How early can I place an order?

As early as you’d like, and we recommend placing orders at least a week in advance, as we sell out most weeks. Please contact us if you’d like any assistance.

When is your growing season?

Good question, and we wish we could give definitive dates, but it depends a bit on the weather! We can almost always incorporate homegrown flowers from early-mid April through October, but unseasonably warm weather can lengthen our season and unseasonably cool weather can shorten it.

We grow some flowers in a small greenhouse, too, so we’re pleased to offer occasional bouquets in the colder months. Please contact us or or follow us on Instagram (@waverlyflowerco) for the most updated info.

How soon does a wrapped bouquet have to be in water? Can it sit in my car or at my work for a few hours?

Our wrapped bouquets are carefully arranged with a flower “diaper” to ensure that they remain hydrated while in transit to you. Typically, the flowers will stay fresh and happy in these for about 6-8 hours at room temperature once they arrive to you.

Some varieties are a little more sensitive, however, and flowers may wilt prematurely if exposed to high temperatures (e.g. a car in the summertime). If there is ever an issue with your order, please don’t hesitate to contact us - we’ll be sure to make it right!